The WoSCA evaluation is structured based on a double analysis and document review:•QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF DOCUMENTATIONcharacterized by the analysis and verification of the documents produced during the work process. This assessment is used to assign a score from 0 to 3 according to the skills demonstrated in the documents produced.This score will be added to the score of the Quality Assessment, in order to obtain the identification of the level of competence attained by each candidate.•QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF DOCUMENTATIONcharacterized by the analysis and verification of the documents produced during the work process in achieving the objectives and the posting of the results and competencies achieved.This assessment:1.Is characterized by the identification of the features of significance, effectiveness, coherence and originality on display in the portfolio of the worker,2.Permits to assign a score from 0 to a maximum of 2 points, according to the qualitative characteristics of the work process and the results achieved by each candidate.
Evaluation for WoSCA Certification is accomplished by filling the two cardsWoSA Card - WORK SKILLS ASSESSMENTGAWoS Card - GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF WORK SKILLS