GAME TRAINERThe course wants to create a new professional figure in the field of infancy education: THE GAME TRAINER, capable of being an expert teacher qualified to plan, organize and carry out entertainment and educational game activities, addresses to children between 3 and 12 years old.Course’s Goals• Develop assistance and animation activities for children in public and private structure• Organize and manage educational entertainment activities in different contexts of children and families• Intervene effectively in the game activities for good development of children’s personality.• Learn how to plan, schedule and organize entertainment and gaming activities in individual and team contexts.• Learn how to handle organizational and logistic aspects of different activities• Gain proficiency about developmental and team Psychology and Pedagogy• Learn the techniques of educational and entertainment activities for infancy• Develop essential social skills for an efficient development of his own professional activity • Control your own work in progress to adapt and calibrate different activities on the base of specific requests of context and users.
I.S.P.E.F.Istituto di Scienze Psicologiche della Educazione e della Formazione